Chicago Quantitative Alliance

CQA Fall Conference 2021

Virtual Event


Event begins: Sep 15, 2021


Event ends: Sep 16, 2021


The annual Fall CQA Conference will occur with the annual academic competition being held as a virtual event.

Dat MaiEconomic Narratives and Market Outcomes: A Semi-Supervised Topic Modeling ApproachUniversity of Missouri
William MullinsEcho ChambersUniversity of California, San Diego
Tengjia ShuIdentifying Signals of the Cross Section of Stock ReturnsUniversity of Iowa
Jens Ludwig“Using Data Science to Solve Social Problems”University of Chicago
Nick Bollen“Hedge Fund Performance: End of an Era?”Vanderbilt University
Robert Bryce“A Question of Power: Electricity and the Wealth of Nations”Author/Journalist
Ralph Koijen“Origins of Financial Fluctuations: The Inelastic Markets Hypothesis”University of Chicago
Lubos Pastor“Dissecting Green Returns”University of Chicago
Paul Sheard“Modern Monetary Theory: What You Need to Know”Harvard Kennedy School
Raisa Velthuis“ETF Heartbeat Trades, Tax Efficiencies and Clienteles: The Role of Taxes in the Flow Migration from Active Mutal Funds to ETF’s”Villanova University
Eric Stockland“Implementing An Algo Wheel – A Broker’s Perspective”BMO Capital Markets
Thomas Kramer“Quantum Computing: Its Potential and Its Challenges”IonQ

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Chicago Quantitative Alliance