Chicago Quantitative Alliance

CQAsia 2019

Shenzhen, China


Event begins: Nov 06, 2019


Event ends: Nov 06, 2019


The Conference will be held at Alpha Space in the Nanshan section of Shenzhen, China on November 6th.
Dan Cardell“The Evolution of Quant Investing”CQA
Dan DiBartolomeo“Portfolio Construction Under Economic Scenarios”Northfield
Bijan Beheshti“Applications of AI for Generating Equity Volatility Forecasts”FactSet
Tom Phillips“Ultra-Simple Shiller’s CAPE: How One Year’s Data Can Predict Equity Market Returns Better Than Ten”New York University
Zhuanxin Ding“Portfolio Turnover when IC is Time Varying”Analytic Investors
George Y. Yang“Analysts’ Beauty and Performance”CUHK
Tao Shu“Patent Examiner Busyness, Patent Quality, and Stock Returns”Shenzhen Finance Institute
Michael Zhang“Changing Environment and Model Uncertainty: A Variational Auto-Encoder Approach to Detect Market Changes” & CUHK

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Chicago Quantitative Alliance